Prevention of violence against women and safer pathways to services: Ten research insights from the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Projects with Action Research (CALD PAR) initiative.
This report provides key insights into “what works” for prevention and safer pathways activities engaging CALD communities in Australia.
The CALD PAR initiative was funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services from December 2017 to June 2020. It involved 26 projects across Australia aimed at preventing violence against women and creating safer pathways to crisis and support services that respond to family violence in CALD communities. The initiative was funded under two streams with 18 CALD Communities Leading Prevention projects and eight Safer Pathways for CALD women projects.
ANROWS was contracted to support the CALD PAR projects to use action research to evaluate their activities. This report draws on ANROWS’s analysis of projects’ action research findings, notes from support activities and evaluation surveys.
The report highlights the importance of intersectional practice that:
- connects with communities to learn more about how experiences of oppression, privilege and colonial structures intersect in local contexts
- critically reflects on inequalities in power and privilege between project teams and different community groups
- collaborates and builds coalitions with community groups, services and individuals to work towards systemic change.
Its ten insights identify directions for future work in increasing strengths-based community engagement, using aspirational language to frame activities, creating non-judgemental spaces to engage CALD men as allies, building capacity in culturally safe practice and supporting bicultural workers.
Publication details
This report is part of the ANROWS Insights publications series and is not intended to be a research report but rather is a project report that outlines selected work and findings of the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Projects with Action Research.
Research Officer, ANROWS
Research Officer, ANROWS
ISBN: 978-1-925925-37-1 (print) | 978-1-925925-38-8 (online)
94 pp.
Suggested citation
Koleth, M., Serova, N., & Trojanowska, B. K. (2020). Prevention and safer pathways to services for migrant and refugee communities: Ten research insights from the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Projects with Action Research (CALD PAR) initiative (ANROWS Insights, 01/2020). Sydney, NSW: ANROWS.