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    The NCAS

    The NCAS tells us how people understand violence against women, their attitudes towards it, what influences their attitudes, and if there has been a change over time.

    The report

    The National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women and Gender Equality Survey.


  • Resources

    The 2017 NCAS

    A collection of resources to help assist in the communication of NCAS findings and messages.

    The report

    The National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women and Gender Equality Survey.


  • The 2017 NCAS findings are here!

    Go to the Summary

    Young Australians’ attitudes to violence against women and gender equality

    Go to the Summary

    Attitudes of people from non-main English-speaking countries

    Go to the Summary

    Attitudes towards violence against women and gender equality among Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders

    Download report
    Australians’ attitudes to violence against women and gender equality

    While Australians’ attitudes to violence against women and gender equality are improving, there are some concerning trends.

    Many people’s knowledge and attitudes to violence against women are out of step with the evidence, and with women’s experiences.

    It’s concerning that a substantial minority mistrust women’s reports of violence, and feel the problem of gender inequality is exaggerated. We need to do more to change these attitudes.

    Our attitudes to sexual consent are concerning. We need to focus on the abusive behaviour, not women’s choices.


    What is NCAS

    The periodic National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey, or NCAS, tells us how people understand violence against women, their attitudes towards it, what influences their attitudes, and if there has been a change over time. It also gauges attitudes to gender equality and people’s preparedness to intervene when witnessing violence or its precursors.


    Download the NCAS summary report

    The National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women and Gender Equality Survey
