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Our research

Violence against women and children affects everybody. It impacts on the health, wellbeing and safety of a significant proportion of Australians throughout all states and territories and places an enormous burden on the nation’s economy across family and community services, health and hospitals, income-support and criminal justice systems.


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ANROWS hosts events as part of its knowledge transfer and exchange work, including public lectures, workshops and research launches. Details of upcoming ANROWS activities and news are available from the list on the right.



ANROWS was established by the Commonwealth and all state and territory governments of Australia to produce, disseminate and assist in applying evidence for policy and practice addressing violence against women and their children.



To support the take-up of evidence, ANROWS offers a range of resources developed from research to support practitioners and policy-makers in delivering evidence-based interventions.


Workplace technology-facilitated sexual harassment: Perpetration, responses and prevention

Ever evolving technologies in the workplace create new mediums for sexual harassment, and employers and staff need support on how to prevent and respond to the potential harms. 

This project conducted by a team at Monash University led by Associate Professor Asher Flynn, with Professor Anastasia Powell from RMIT University, offers crucial insights to aid Australian employers and policymakers in understanding and combating workplace technology-facilitated sexual harassment (WTFSH) effectively.

The study featured:

  • 20 in-depth interviews with industry stakeholders
  • a national survey with over 3,300 Australian adults
  • focus groups with young adults to identify current gaps in WTFSH response mechanisms.

The findings underscore the significance of the problem, with 1 in 7 Australian adults surveyed reporting they had engaged in WTFSH.

Results also reflect that gender is a key factor in perpetration. Men were more likely to report they had engaged in WTFSH than women, and male-dominated workplaces were associated with much higher rates of WTFSH than workplaces dominated by women.

Sexist and gender-discriminatory attitudes and the endorsement of sexual harassment myths were two of the strongest predictors of engagement in WTFSH. These results emphasise the critical importance of gender-competent leadership in the workplace.



Publication details

This work is part of the ANROWS research reports series. ANROWS research reports are in-depth reports on empirical research produced under ANROWS’s research program.



Associate Professor, Criminology, School of Social Sciences, Monash University

Professor, Criminology and Justice Studies, RMIT University

Criminology, School of Social Sciences, Monash University


ISBN: 978-1-922645-82-1 (paperback)

ISBN: 978-1-922645-83-8 (PDF)

Suggested citation

Flynn, A., Powell, A., & Wheildon, L. (2024). Workplace technology-facilitated sexual harassment: Perpetration, responses and prevention (Research report, 03/2024). ANROWS.

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