State of knowledge
Perpetrator interventions in Australia:
State of knowledge
In an Australian first, ANROWS explored perpetrator interventions in Australia and internationally through two State of Knowledge papers.
State of knowledge
Part One
Part one – Literature review (2015) provides an in-depth examination of the literature on perpetrator interventions, including key issues, debates and future areas for research.
Part two
Part two – Perpetrator pathways and mapping (2015) is a world first mapping of the pathways perpetrators of domestic/family violence and sexual assault may follow through civil and criminal legal systems. The paper examines the responses and service systems currently available to DFV and sexual assault perpetrators in each jurisdiction.
The state of knowledge papers find there is a need for extensive further research on what works and for whom in the Australian context. Four key areas for further investigation were identified: 1) systems effectiveness; 2) effectiveness of interventions; 3) models to address diversity of perpetrators; and 4) interventions developed by, with, and for Indigenous communities.
These four strategic research themes have guided the development of the ANROWS Perpetrator Interventions Research Stream to support states and territories to implement the forthcoming National Outcome Standards for Perpetrator Interventions (NOSPI). In early 2016, ANROWS called for applications for research grants under the Perpetrator Interventions Research Stream. A list of projects funded under the Perpetrator Interventions Research Stream can be found here.
Publication details
This work is part of the ANROWS Landscapes series. ANROWS Landscapes (State of knowledge papers) are medium length papers that scope current knowledge on an issue related to violence against women and their children. Papers will draw on empirical research, including research produced under ANROWS’s research program, and/or practice knowledge.
Research Manager, ANROWS
Senior Research Officer, ANROWS
Senior Research Officer, ANROWS
Part one – Literature review. State of knowledge paper
ISBN: 978-1-925372-14-4 (print) 978-1-925372-15-1 (online)
64 pp.
Suggested citation
Mackay, E., Gibson, A., Lam, H., & Beecham, D. (2015). Perpetrator interventions in Australia: Part one – Literature review. State of knowledge paper (ANROWS Landscapes, PP01/2015). Sydney, NSW: ANROWS.
Part two – Perpetrator pathways and mapping. State of knowledge paper
ISBN: 978-1-925372-14-4 (print) 978-1-925372-15-1 (online)
76 pp.
Suggested citation
Mackay, E., Beecham, D., Gibson, A., & Lam, H. (2015). Perpetrator interventions in Australia: Part two- Perpetrator pathways and mapping. State of knowledge paper (ANROWS Landscapes, PP01/2015). Sydney, NSW: ANROWS.