State of knowledge
Establishing the connection [between alcohol and other drug use and sexual victimisation]:
State of knowledge
This state of knowledge paper explores the prevalence of sexual violence and alcohol and other drug use (AOD) in Australia.
State of knowledge
It also explores:
- the association between alcohol and other drug use and severity of, or vulnerability to, sexual violence and re-victimisation;
- correlations between child sexual abuse and subsequent alcohol and other drug use, and adult sexual abuse and subsequent alcohol and other drug use; and
- current practice around identification, assessment, response and referral pathways between AOD and sexual assault services.
The paper finds that despite methodological limitations in the literature, there is growing consensus that the sexual assault services sector and the AOD sector share a significant number of clients and that integrated or coordinated service provision is key.
Publication details
This work is part of the ANROWS Landscapes series. ANROWS Landscapes (State of knowledge papers) are medium length papers that scope current knowledge on an issue related to violence against women and their children. Papers will draw on empirical research, including research produced under ANROWS’s research program, and/or practice knowledge.
Research Fellow, Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Senior Research Officer, Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Research Fellow, Australian Institute of Family Studies.
ISBN: 978-1-925372-02-1 (print) 978-1-925372-03-8 (online)
62 pp.
Suggested citation
Quadara, A., Stathopoulos, M., & Jenkinson, R. (2015). Establishing the connection [between alcohol and other drug use and sexual victimisation]: State of knowledge paper (ANROWS Landscapes, 06/2015). Sydney, NSW: ANROWS.