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Violence against women and children affects everybody. It impacts on the health, wellbeing and safety of a significant proportion of Australians throughout all states and territories and places an enormous burden on the nation’s economy across family and community services, health and hospitals, income-support and criminal justice systems.


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ANROWS hosts events as part of its knowledge transfer and exchange work, including public lectures, workshops and research launches. Details of upcoming ANROWS activities and news are available from the list on the right.



ANROWS was established by the Commonwealth and all state and territory governments of Australia to produce, disseminate and assist in applying evidence for policy and practice addressing violence against women and their children.



To support the take-up of evidence, ANROWS offers a range of resources developed from research to support practitioners and policy-makers in delivering evidence-based interventions.

Current news & media on violence against women and their children – <br data-lazy-src=
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Current news & media on violence against women and their children –
26 Sept 2016

Monday, 26th September 2016

The latest media coverage looks at Indigenous victims and perpetrators, sexual assault at universities, United Nations work on preventing violence against women and more. 


Sydney launches women helpdesk
Aussie Network News, 29/9/16
The New South Wales government has launched a woman helpdesk in the form of a new phone number to report cases of domestic violence directly, thereby seeking proper advice to deal with the same. Dialling 1800-938-227 will connect the women directly to the Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service and help them get access to a local support system starting from counselling to accommodation. The experts available on the contact number will also help the victims financially, legally, etc. as and when required. They can also provide suitable referrals of victims to government and non-government organizations.”

Job losses in Australian steel industry linked to a rise in domestic violence
Stuff, 29/9/16

“Australian job losses have been linked to a rise in domestic violence rates in a new analysis of the impact of a major downturn in the steel industry. The Illawarra Legal Centre, in New South Wales, has identified a 16 per cent increase in calls from victims of family and domestic violence during the last major downturn at Bluescope Steel when 1500 jobs were lost.”

Leave domestic violence out of animal welfare laws
The Weekly Times, 29/9/16
“The effects of domestic violence on animals features in the Victorian Government’s ¬review of animal welfare laws. In a move that has surprised and disappointed farmers, the State Government has made several references to domestic violence in its draft action plan on animal welfare.”

Stark reality’: how NT’s justice system is failing Indigenous domestic violence victims
The Guardian, 26/9/16
“Coroner Greg Cavanagh’s report on the death of two Alice Springs women says family and domestic violence in Northern Territory is literally out of control.”

NSW DV victims ‘housed with ex-prisoners’
SBS News, 24/9/16
“Victims of domestic violence in NSW are being put up in the same temporary accommodation as convicted criminals on parole, according to the opposition.”

Women being turned away from refuges amid domestic violence ‘crisis’
SBS News, 21/9/16
“Refuges in rural towns across Australia are struggling to support the number of women turning up at their doors fleeing violent relationships.”

Human Rights Commissioner Gillian Triggs sounds alarm on rape and sexual assault at universities
Sydney Morning Herald, 20/9/16
“Australian Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs has raised concerns about an alarming number of young, international and LGBTI students reporting rape and sexual assault at Australian universities.”

A community program in a small NSW town could reform the justice system
The Huffington Post, 19/9/16
“It’s no secret that Indigenous Australians are disproportionately represented in Australia’s justice system, and the country town of Bourke in north-west NSW is no exception. Bourke has the highest rates of domestic violence and offences committed by young people in the state, and Aboriginal children make up a large part of that statistic. Now, the town of 3000 is home to the Justice Reinvestment program.”

Partner violence kills almost two women a week – and we can stop it
SBS News, 15/9/16, Comment by Pallavi Sinha
“Domestic violence in 2016 has increased from one to about two women a week dying at the hands of their partner or former partner. Lawyer Pallavi Sinha looks at how we should address it.”

Pilbara centre for Indigenous domestic violence perpetrators planned
ABC News, 14/9/16
“The Aboriginal Males Healing Centre has devised a plan to build the first specialist counselling centre for Indigenous perpetrators of domestic violence in Western Australia’s Pilbara region.” 


Palestinian legal system not protecting women, says UN investigator
The Jerusalem Post, 26/9/16
The Palestinian Authority must take a tougher stance against gender-based violence and to promote equality for women, United Nations Human Rights Council investigator Dubravka Simonovic said in a special report on the matter issued last week. The visit by the special rapporteur on violence against women was the first in 11 years to Israel and the Palestinian territories by someone holding that post.”

Q&A: Rape as a tool of war ‘won’t work forever’
Aljazeera, 24/9/16
“In its work on sexual violence against women in conflict, the United Nations has found that it has been one of history’s greatest silences. Absent from ceasefire agreements, dismissed from disarmament programmes and rarely mentioned in peace negotiations. Trying to put an end to the rape of women as a weapon of war is a massive challenge, but Baroness Joyce Anelay, minister of state at the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the prime minister’s special representative on preventing sexual violence in conflict, explained to Al Jazeera why she is optimistic about changing attitudes.”

If there was something killing one in three men then there would be an outcry, says Secretary-General
The Bahamas Weekly, 23/9/16
“Global leaders and institutions have endorsed the Commonwealth Secretary-General’s call to work more effectively together to end the suffering of women and girls facing violence at the hands of their partners. She was speaking at the Economic Cost of Violence Against Women event at the United Nations General Assembly. Secretary-General Patricia Scotland said that domestic violence was the greatest cause of death in women and girls.”

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